March 8, 2023

Episode Notes

In this episode of The Negotiation, we continue our conversation with Gil Chavez, a seasoned specialist in global marketing and communications. With a career spanning over three decades, Gil has honed his expertise in marketing, particularly in the Asian region. In addition to his vast experience, he is also a top-rated professor, having taught over 100 courses in a 24-year teaching career.
In this episode, we continue to dive into some of the cultural differences between the West and the East. We explore various negotiating tips for Japan and how that process can vary from that of the USA and Canada, including the ceremonial aspects of negotiation and effective communication. We conclude our conversation with Gil by discussing famous business leaders and how they are perceived in Japan.
Enjoy listening!

Topics Discussed and Key Points:

●    Topics Discussed and Key Points:

●      The difference between a CEO’s humility and arrogance 
●      Negotiations and building relationships in Japan
●      Reverse negotiations in Japan
●      Ceremonial aspects of the art of negotiation and communication in Japan 
●      The potential lack of self-awareness among executives when moving up the ladder 
●      Diverse approaches to managing both oneself and others that can aid in progressing from a young executive to a senior executive